


In the highly acclaimed Asia Responsible Enterprise Award ceremony today (the 23rd), Taipower is once again recognized in three consecutive years. In the previous two years, Taiwpower had won awards in the Social Empowerment Category and the Investment in People Categories, respectively. This year, Taipower won double awards in one fell swoop for the first time. The awards are in the Social Empowerment Category and the Circular Economy Leadership Category for the revitalization of cultural heritage, the 13-layer remains, and circular renewable energy business model respectively, sharing the honor with renowned enterprises such as E. Sun Bank and ASE Group. Taipower stated that in addition to continuing to ensure stable power supply, it will also actively respond to the international trend of energy transition and environmental protection, and use its strengths to reciprocate society.

To promote sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, Enterprise Asia has held the Asia Responsible Enterprise Award for 10 consecutive years since 2011. In the 2020 Asia Responsible Enterprise Award online awards ceremony today (the 23rd), awards are given for a total of seven major categories, namely the Green Leadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Circular Economy Leadership, Responsible Business Leadership, Corporate Governance and Social Empowerment; its influence in Asia cannot be underestimated. Taipower explains that in striving to achieve social responsibility and in response to greater public expectations for environmental protection, Taipower is not only actively promoting regional revitalization. In the process of energy transition, it is also actively engaging in circular planning to not only reduce impact on the environment, but also achieve sustainable operation. For its efforts, Taipower is awarded double recognition.

In the Social Empowerment category, Taipower has been assembling the public art, public relations and cultural and creative units within the company in recent years to form a cross-departmental team. Its collaborative culture and art involvements with renowned teams in the industry have won numerous Arts & Business Awards from the Ministry of Culture. In its first-time approach of adopting public art to boost cultural heritage, Taipower's Light Up 13-Layer Remains event on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival last year attracted tens of thousands of people to Ruifang. In June, Taipower won an Illuminating Engineering Society of North America award. In July, it won the Best of the Best Award, the greatest award in Germany's 2020 Red Dot Design Award, which is one of the world's four major design awards. Once again, Taipower is recognized for its successful promotion of local development.

Taipower explains that the Light Up 13-Layer Remains event is just a beginning. It will continue to work toward creating sustainable cultural resources. Currently, it is restoring historical sites such as Jinguashi Shinto Shrine and the Crown Prince Chalet. Taipower will restore the Jinguashi Shinto Shrine by retaining its ruins and protecting its beams and pillars from collapsing. The restoration is expected to be completed in the next year (2021) and will be integrated with augmented reality (AR) to provide the public with a contemporary experience of the shrine as if they had traveled through time and space.

In the Circular Economy Leadership Category, Taipower pointed out that in recent years, in addition to ensuring the stability of power supply, it has also been striving to integrate circular economy to achieve the optimization of energy and resource utilization. In addition to reducing environmental impact, its electricity business model can also create commercial benefits. For example, Taipower is committed to reusing the by-products of power generation, such as mixing coal ash from coal-fired power plants with cement for backfilling trench projects to reduce cement use. To date, the coal ash has been reused in hundreds of backfilling projects. In 2019, more than 2 million tons of coal ash were reused, achieving a reuse rate of nearly 90%.

Furthermore, to localize the reuse of the by-products of power generation and reduce carbon emissions from transportation and processing, Taipower also uses the sludge cleaned out from the reservoirs of its hydroelectric power plants for making pottery, and has launched ecological pottery classrooms. Moreover, Taipower also established a cultural and creative brand in 2018. Materials such as coal ash from power plants, ceramic barriers from line insulations and retired wooden cross arms from electric poles are incorporated into circular economy to launch creative products such as unique coasters, lamps and storage boxes, which have been well-received by the public.


Spokesperson: Chang Ting-Shu, Chief Administrator

Telephone: (02)2366-6271/ 0936-625-552

Email: u742433@taipower.com.tw

Business Contact: Hwang Wei-Kuang, Deputy Director of the Department of Corporate Planning

Telephone: (02)2366-6443/0989-505-025

Email: u787263@taipower.com.tw