


A picture of Tunghsiao Power Plant

Tunghsiao Power Plant is located at the Tunghsiao Beach in Miaoli. In the early 1961s, providing the electricity for the booming economy of Taiwan by utilizing the rich oil and gas resources from Tieh-Chen Mountain Mine Site, which had been administered under CPC’s supervision. It installed four gas turbines made by General Electric (GE) and operated commercially in 1965. It installed four gas turbines made by FIAT company and operated commercially in 1968.

In 1978, in response to the rapid growth of the electricity consumption and to the balance of regional electricity dispatch, it installed three Combined Cycle units (CC#1-#3). Featuring with quick start, high-load change and high efficiency, they began to operate commercially in 1983. It is the first combined cycle power plant in Taiwan; in 1981~1985, unit #1~#3 completed the conversion from burning diesel oil to simultaneously burning heavy oil for power generation, which is the first gas turbine burning heavy oil unit in the world; on October 31, 2017, #1~#3 units were decommissioned.

In 1990, two more units (CC #4-#5) (335 MW) were added and completed in 1992. In 1997, to react the continuous growth of power demand, the unit CC#6 (305 MW) joined the team to burn natural gas and diesel oil.

In 2000-2022, to improve the air quality, the oil-fired units were converted to gas-fired unit. At present, natural gas is the main fuel.

In order to improve unit performance from 2004 to 2013, units #4~#6 upgrade their gas turbine blades year by year during unit overhauls. The installed capacity of unit #4 and #5 increased to 386 MW, and unit #6 increased to 321.2 MW.

In 2015, it installed three new high-efficiency CC units (#1-#3), each with a total capacity of 892.6MW. The three units (unit CC#1-#3) operated commercially on Feb. 27th, 2018, May 30th, 2019 and May 26th, 2020 respectively.

In 2022, it installed a gas turbine generator unit (GT #9) which can be started up or stop quickly to meet peaking power needs on the electrical grid, total capacity of 180.852MW. The unit (GT #9) operated commercially on May 4th, 2023.

Address Telephone Fax
No. 1-31, Haibin Road, Tongsiao Township,
Miaoli County 357006, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
+886-37-752054 +886-37-755387
Units Commercial Operation Date Installed Capacity (MW) Fuel
#1 2018.02.27 892.6 Natural gas
#2 2019.05.30 892.6 Natural gas
#3 2020.05.26 892.6 Natural gas
#4 1992.03.22 386 Natural gas
#5 1992.05.01 386 Natural gas
#6 2000.05.30 321.2 Natural gas
#9 2023.05.04 180.852 Natural gas

