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Employee Assistance Programs and Labor Relations

The development and promotion of labor relations at the Taiwan Power Company:

Promoting Employee Assistance Programs

Employee health and welfare (i.e., physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing) are the cornerstones of company success. Taipower is as dedicated to promoting employee health safety as to its main mission of power stewardship for Taiwan. Taipower has always worked with employees at all levels to improve performance and safety for individuals and the organization as a whole. For over thirty years, Taipower has worked to establish a caring and people-driven company culture through its successful employee assistance programs.


Improving Labor-Management Relations

Taipower holds regular labor affairs meetings with the Taiwan Power Labor Union. These meetings ensure an open exchange on employee rights and benefits. In addition, employees can express their opinions and offer feedback through other communication channels. These channels include junior staff discussion meetings, the collective bargaining agreement council, and the labor-management council for “Heart to Heart.” These venues seek to provide employees with unimpeded upward and horizontal communication channels.


Internal Communications

Taipower and its affiliated units are spread throughout the nation. In order to communicate corporate information and understand employee opinions and feedback, Taipower has established diverse channels that improve the efficiency of internal communications. These include the W3 internal website (which includes an employee discussion forum, the employee onboarding process, retirement services, and a human resources map-out), leadership keynotes, and junior employee discussion forums.


Collaboration Between levels and Ages

New recruits can propose suggestions and ideas through direct, open discussions. Managers share their career experiences and assist new recruits with quickly blending into the Taipower family.

The proportion of Taipower’s employees from “Generation Y” reached almost 25 percent in 2018. In order to facilitate cross-generational communication, Taipower implemented Employee Assistance Programs, holds discussions meetings and promotes both its mentorship program and prefect system. All of these measures assist members of Generation Y as they join the Taipower family. Two online courses, “New Generation Leadership and Communication” and “New Generation Job Adaptation,” have been specifically designed for managers and members of Generation Y.