


In order to ensure the operational safety of the Lanyu Low-Level Storage Site and maintain the environmental quality, Taiwan Power Company has set up sampling stations in various places in Lanyu to conducted comprehensive sampling analysis. Thus, the radiation dose and environmental radioactivity caused by the Lanyu Low-Level Storage Site on the population during operation can be better understood.

Report and sample analysis

Taiwan Power Company annually submits environmental radiation monitoring plan of the Lanyu Low-Level Storage Site to the AEC for review in accordance with "Criteria for Management of Radiation Workplaces and Environmental Radiation Monitoring outside them". Then, it implements the plan and reports the monitoring results to the AEC.

Distribution graph of sampling stations in Lanyu

Air sample analysis


Air samples in the environment are collected by a continuous air extractor to analyze total beta/ gamma radiation of suspended particles in the air.

Water sample analysis

Seawater, drinking water, river water and underground water are sampled regularly to understand the radioactivity of radioactive nuclides in water samples of the nearby area after analysis.

Biological sample analysis


Various samples are taken regularly based on the location of agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry. After gamma-spectrometric analysis, radioactivity in various biological samples can be better understood

Sediment sample analysis

Soil and shore sand samples are taken for gamma-spectrometric analysis to understand the cumulative effect of radioactive material in the environment.

Since its opening in 1982, Lanyu Low-Level Storage Site has caused no adverse impact on the environment. Academic research institutes, Radiation Monitoring Center of the AEC, and Taiwan Power Company's Radiation Laboratory continue to conduct independent environmental radiation monitoring measures after the opening of Lanyu Low-Level Storage Site in 1982. According to radiation detection results and analysis of environmental samples over the years (including the period of examination and repacking program from 2007 to 2011), the surrounding environment of Lanyu Low-Level Storage Site is within the safe range, which meets the requirements of relevant nuclear energy regulations and is far below the regulatory limit. There is no adverse impact on the environment.

The direct radiation monitoring results of Lanyu in the past years are within the variation of the background radiation, assuring that the operation of (Lanyu) Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Site is safe and secure. 

In order to promote civil participation in monitoring the operational safety of the radioactive waste storage site, enhance public awareness and increase mutual trust, the competent authority, Fuel Cycle and Materials Administration has successively invited Lanyu villagers and environmentalists to participate in the (Lanyu) Low-Level Storage Site monitoring activities from 2011 to 2018. The monitoring results are within the variation of the background radiation, assuring that the operation of (Lanyu) Storage Site is safe and secure.